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  • April 24, 2021

    Update from Wendy Thirteen years ago, I jumped into the depths of God with both feet and no life preserver. It was only after it seemed that I was at the bottom of the deep end that I realized I had never had any swimming lessons. But God was faithful. Prior to that, God met me in the place of humility. I was bowed before Him, vowing with all earnest sincerity that, "From this day forward, all I want to do is obey Your voice." I knew His voice and I knew that I had not always heeded it. But now, I was ready to do whatever God asked of me. I had no idea what I was signing up for. Before I knew it, God moved me to a new city and reminded me of His calling upon my life. He had previously revealed it to me but it hadn't made any sense before. I was supposed to write books and speak all over the world. For the first time, I realized that this was for Him and His Kingdom. But me? How could this be? Ministry? Huh? The next thing I knew, God was telling me to give away everything I owned and live by faith without asking anyone for anything I need but just seeking first God's Kingdom and His rightousness (Matthew 6:33,) meditating on His Word day and night (Joshua 1:8,) and delighting myself in Him (Psalm 37:4.) If you've ever been in a position where you really really need God to come through for you... and then He does (because He's awesome)... then you have a pretty good idea of what the last thirteen years of my life have been like. God is faithful. Jesus is enough. He never fails. But at first, I hated living this way. I found it dreadfully humiliating and shameful. I didn't understand why God was doing this to me. It wasn't like God sent me to the mission field, or to seminary, or into any other type of "box" that people could get their minds wrapped around because they had seen it before and knew what it was. Instead, it seemed I was a freak and a fanatic who had lost my mind and common sense. People were unkind, uncaring, inconsiderate, accusatory, and cruel. So, with self-righteous self-pity, like Job, I cursed the day I was born. I asked God to stop beating me up and just be done with me if it was going to go on like this. You see, living this way is full of joy unspeakable and full of glory (1 Peter 1:8) but it is also full of hardships, failures, misunderstandings, persecutions, and all manner of trials which God uses to transform us, mature us, and make us like Jesus. He is the Potter, we are the clay. In the early days of obedience with much resistance, I asked God many times about why I couldn't go get a job to provide for myself. I tried to compromise by saying I'd only work a part-time job so I could obey God with the rest of my time while maintaining the dignity of self-sufficiency and not suffering the humiliation of being in need all the time. I begged God to let me work at the Walmart McDonald's (which would be a rather strange place for a former New York City investment banker to work.) But God told me, "I am asking you to live this way willingly now because the days are coming when people will have to live this way against their will." What God wanted from me was willing obedience, willing endurance through trials, and willing faithfulness to what He was asking me to do - nothing more, nothing less - no matter what anyone else thought about it and no matter what it cost me. Willingness to wait upon God for His perfect plan and for Him to fulfill His purposes in His way and in His timing. I finally gave up resisting. For years, it seemed outwardly like nothing was happening at all. The worse it got, the more people rejected and distanced themselves from me. But God was working in the waiting, the seeking, the meditating, and the delighting in Him. He was also working in the pain, the rejection, and the crucifying of my flesh. God never left me and never failed me. The Lord is righteous in all His ways and kind in all His deeds. (Psalm 145:17.) In the meantime, God taught me His Word. He began to prophesy through me before I even knew what a prophetic word or a prophet was. He introduced me to His power for deliverance and healing not because I was seeking power or manifestations but because I was seeking Him and that's a part of who He is and what He does. To make a long story short, to this day, I still live by faith in total dependence on God alone. Still seeking His Kingdom, still meditating on His Word, and still delighting in Him. God has been very faithful to me. He has allowed me to co-labor with Him to write books which are all about Him to train His people in His word and ways. He wants His people to know Him. He has sent me (by faith) all over the world to proclaim Jesus, teach His Word, and demonstrate the life of obedience to His voice. He has allowed me to be part of His wonderful healings and miraculous power, from blind eyes being opened, deaf ears being re-created, limbs being grown out, supernatural provision of rain in a time of severe drought when rain season was still months away, accurate prophetic words to people I have never met, and so much more. God is faithful! Jesus is enough! And now, it is a new day. Before, it was as if God asked me to jump into the deep end of the swimming pool. Now, it seems that God is asking me to jump into the deep end of the ocean. The days are upon us which God told me about years ago. Every one of God's children needs to learn to live by faith and obedience to His voice. Every one of God's children needs to know and live His word and His ways. Jesus is the only one worthy of our submission and devotion. He is the only One we will give account to when all is said and done. He is the only One who sets us free from every other captor and invites us to be willingly and completely surrendered to Him. I am still willing because He is still worthy. Here is the conclusion I have come to: It is a privilege to need God. It is a privilege to be mourn over wickedness and the ways of the world. It is a privilege to submit to God and obey Him. It is a privilege to long for justice and the ultimate day of judgment. It is a privilege to show mercy to those who don't deserve it. It is a privilege to be purified in heart by God's process in our lives. It is a privilege to deny ourselves and lay down our lives so that others may come to know Jesus and have peace with God. It is a privilege to be misunderstood, mocked, ridiculed, and rejected for Jesus. For those of us with these privileges, to us belongs the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus is King!


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  • Manifest International | Charlotte

    We exist to reveal Jesus, proclaim His Kingdom, and equip His disciples for spiritual maturity and ministry. OUR APPROACH How we live Our Approach Podcast Manifest Our King Podcast Listen Now WENDY BOWEN Get to know Wendy here About Wendy TRAINING Spiritual training exercises Start Training Subscribe Sign up for email updates Subscribe Email us Send us a message Let's Connect bookstore View books here Bookstore AMAZON Check out books here Amazon Mailing Address P.O. Box 11304 Charlotte, NC 28220 contribute Contribute to our work Contribute

  • Reading List | Manifest International | Charlotte

    Reading & Resources List This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success... - Joshua 1:8 The Pure Word of God In her early days of living by faith, Wendy read the Scriptures to know God and understand His ways as if her life depended on it... because it did. It still does. Over the course of years of study and devotion, Wendy has continued to limit her focus to the pure Word of God, and encourages everyone to do the same. This said, there have been books along the way that have been encouraging, confirming, useful, and meaningful to her walk with Jesus. Below is a list of some of the books from her own personal journey that she would recommend. For your convenience, some of the book titles below link to the book product on Amazon. Bible Translations, Study Bibles, & Resources Translations for Study/Accuracy English Standard Version (ESV) New King James Version (NKJV) King James Version (KJV) New American Standard Bible (NASB) Translations for Easy Comprehension New Living Translation (NLT) New International Version (NIV) Study Bibles ESV Study Bible NKJV Spirit-Filled Life Bible NLT Life Application Bible NIV Chronological Bible Online Bible Study Tools Books Listed by Author Andrew Murray Waiting On God Absolute Surrender Abide in Christ Watchman Nee Sit, Walk, Stand Release of the Spirit Let Us Pray Prayer Ministry of the Church Art Katz Apostolic Foundations True Fellowship The Holocaust: Where Was God? Philip Keller A Shepherd's Look at Psalm 23 Francis Fenelon Let Go Jessie Penn Lewis War on the Saints The Leading of the Lord John G. Lake The Collected Works of John G. Lake Rolland & Heidi Baker Birthing the Miraculous Living Under Water Joyful Surrender Visions Beyond the Veil (H.A. Baker) Derek Prince They Shall Expel Demons Blessing or Curse: You Can Choose Michael Brown Not Afraid of the Antichrist (w Craig Keener) Our Hands are Stained with Blook David Wilkerson The Vision God's Plan in the Coming Depression Oswold J. Smith The Revival We Need The Man God Uses Scot McKnight The King Jesus Gospel Frank Viola From Eternity to Here Finding Organic Church Pagan Christianity Francis Chan Crazy Love Letters to the Church Robert Heidler Messianic Church Arising Apostolic Church Arising Charles Newbold The Harlot Church System Devotionals & Courses Devotionals Waiting On God , Andrew Murray My Utmost for His Highest , Oswald Chambers Streams in the Desert , L.B. Cowman Joyful Surrender , Rolland & Heidi Baker 100 Days in the Secret Place , Guyon, Fenelon, Molinos Jesus Calling , Sarah Young Courses Gary Whetstone: School of Biblical Studies Your Liberty in Christ Victory in Spiritual Warfare Healing is for Today True Success Evidence Faith: Jesus’ Life in Action Francis Frangipane In Christ's Image Manifest International may receive a small percentage from qualifying purchases if you use the links above. 100% of the proceeds go to help further our mission for the Kingdom of God.

  • Cornerstone | Manifest Intl

    你在建什麼? 該課程可以通過我們的商店以書本形式購買。 基石課程 本課程旨在牢固樹立您對耶穌基督的真理以及在您的日常生活中跟隨耶穌的現實的信念。您將學到耶穌為我們成就的所有一切,以及如何在聖靈的能力下與耶穌同行。您將了解上帝為基督徒社區設計的方法,以及如何通過考驗來戰勝苦難。您將學會體驗神的奇妙奇蹟,並繼續關注神對您生命的旨意。 六節課,每節課四節課,另加小組練習 基石課程的每個單元都深入探討了與上帝生活的特定元素。每個班級都包含各種閱讀材料和屬靈練習,以幫助您了解單詞並通過實際應用來實現所講的內容。 開始課程 該課程是免費在線提供的。 您是否有堅定的信念? 介紹 參加課程 閱讀簡介 閱讀課程簡介,以了解課程的目的和您將學到的內容。 你知道你相信什麼嗎? 上課前 考試 課前考試 參加課程前考試,以測試您對課程涵蓋的主題的現有知識。 Start Cornerstone 課程導航 第一單元: 福音 四節課,加上小組練習 閱讀:共16頁 練習:4 經文閱讀:0 小組練習:2個選項 下載第一單元 第二單元: 聖靈 四節課,加上小組練習 閱讀:共15頁 練習:4 經文閱讀:0 小組練習:1 下載單元二 第三單元: 社區 四節課,加上小組練習 閱讀:共18頁 練習:2 經文閱讀:3 小組練習:2 下載單元三 第四單元: 奇蹟 四節課,加上小組練習 閱讀:共16頁 練習:4 經文讀物:2 小組練習:2個選項 下載第四單元 第五單元: 痛苦 四節課,加上小組練習 閱讀:共15頁 練習:4 經文閱讀:1 小組練習:1 下載第五單元 第六單元: 成熟度 四節課,加上小組練習 閱讀:共10頁 練習:6 經文讀物:2 小組練習:3個選項 下載第六單元 Cornerstone Copyright © 2020 Wendy Bowen - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

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