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  • April 24, 2021

    Update from Wendy Thirteen years ago, I jumped into the depths of God with both feet and no life preserver. It was only after it seemed that I was at the bottom of the deep end that I realized I had never had any swimming lessons. But God was faithful. Prior to that, God met me in the place of humility. I was bowed before Him, vowing with all earnest sincerity that, "From this day forward, all I want to do is obey Your voice." I knew His voice and I knew that I had not always heeded it. But now, I was ready to do whatever God asked of me. I had no idea what I was signing up for. Before I knew it, God moved me to a new city and reminded me of His calling upon my life. He had previously revealed it to me but it hadn't made any sense before. I was supposed to write books and speak all over the world. For the first time, I realized that this was for Him and His Kingdom. But me? How could this be? Ministry? Huh? The next thing I knew, God was telling me to give away everything I owned and live by faith without asking anyone for anything I need but just seeking first God's Kingdom and His rightousness (Matthew 6:33,) meditating on His Word day and night (Joshua 1:8,) and delighting myself in Him (Psalm 37:4.) If you've ever been in a position where you really really need God to come through for you... and then He does (because He's awesome)... then you have a pretty good idea of what the last thirteen years of my life have been like. God is faithful. Jesus is enough. He never fails. But at first, I hated living this way. I found it dreadfully humiliating and shameful. I didn't understand why God was doing this to me. It wasn't like God sent me to the mission field, or to seminary, or into any other type of "box" that people could get their minds wrapped around because they had seen it before and knew what it was. Instead, it seemed I was a freak and a fanatic who had lost my mind and common sense. People were unkind, uncaring, inconsiderate, accusatory, and cruel. So, with self-righteous self-pity, like Job, I cursed the day I was born. I asked God to stop beating me up and just be done with me if it was going to go on like this. You see, living this way is full of joy unspeakable and full of glory (1 Peter 1:8) but it is also full of hardships, failures, misunderstandings, persecutions, and all manner of trials which God uses to transform us, mature us, and make us like Jesus. He is the Potter, we are the clay. In the early days of obedience with much resistance, I asked God many times about why I couldn't go get a job to provide for myself. I tried to compromise by saying I'd only work a part-time job so I could obey God with the rest of my time while maintaining the dignity of self-sufficiency and not suffering the humiliation of being in need all the time. I begged God to let me work at the Walmart McDonald's (which would be a rather strange place for a former New York City investment banker to work.) But God told me, "I am asking you to live this way willingly now because the days are coming when people will have to live this way against their will." What God wanted from me was willing obedience, willing endurance through trials, and willing faithfulness to what He was asking me to do - nothing more, nothing less - no matter what anyone else thought about it and no matter what it cost me. Willingness to wait upon God for His perfect plan and for Him to fulfill His purposes in His way and in His timing. I finally gave up resisting. For years, it seemed outwardly like nothing was happening at all. The worse it got, the more people rejected and distanced themselves from me. But God was working in the waiting, the seeking, the meditating, and the delighting in Him. He was also working in the pain, the rejection, and the crucifying of my flesh. God never left me and never failed me. The Lord is righteous in all His ways and kind in all His deeds. (Psalm 145:17.) In the meantime, God taught me His Word. He began to prophesy through me before I even knew what a prophetic word or a prophet was. He introduced me to His power for deliverance and healing not because I was seeking power or manifestations but because I was seeking Him and that's a part of who He is and what He does. To make a long story short, to this day, I still live by faith in total dependence on God alone. Still seeking His Kingdom, still meditating on His Word, and still delighting in Him. God has been very faithful to me. He has allowed me to co-labor with Him to write books which are all about Him to train His people in His word and ways. He wants His people to know Him. He has sent me (by faith) all over the world to proclaim Jesus, teach His Word, and demonstrate the life of obedience to His voice. He has allowed me to be part of His wonderful healings and miraculous power, from blind eyes being opened, deaf ears being re-created, limbs being grown out, supernatural provision of rain in a time of severe drought when rain season was still months away, accurate prophetic words to people I have never met, and so much more. God is faithful! Jesus is enough! And now, it is a new day. Before, it was as if God asked me to jump into the deep end of the swimming pool. Now, it seems that God is asking me to jump into the deep end of the ocean. The days are upon us which God told me about years ago. Every one of God's children needs to learn to live by faith and obedience to His voice. Every one of God's children needs to know and live His word and His ways. Jesus is the only one worthy of our submission and devotion. He is the only One we will give account to when all is said and done. He is the only One who sets us free from every other captor and invites us to be willingly and completely surrendered to Him. I am still willing because He is still worthy. Here is the conclusion I have come to: It is a privilege to need God. It is a privilege to be mourn over wickedness and the ways of the world. It is a privilege to submit to God and obey Him. It is a privilege to long for justice and the ultimate day of judgment. It is a privilege to show mercy to those who don't deserve it. It is a privilege to be purified in heart by God's process in our lives. It is a privilege to deny ourselves and lay down our lives so that others may come to know Jesus and have peace with God. It is a privilege to be misunderstood, mocked, ridiculed, and rejected for Jesus. For those of us with these privileges, to us belongs the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus is King!


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  • FTJ | Manifest Intl

    For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed -a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith." - Romans 1:16-17 Beloved on Account of the Patriarchs God brought salvation to Israel and the world through the Jewish people in the person of Yeshua (which is Jesus' Hebrew name.) We believe the salvation of the Jewish people through faith in Yeshua the Messiah is still the heartbeat and purpose of God. In spite of the fact that Jews have historically, for the most part, hardened their hearts to the good news of Yeshua, they are still beloved of God on account of the patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Their hardened hearts are softening like never before, as the fullness of the Gentiles comes to faith in the God of Israel. Even so, until Jerusalem calls out, "Baruch haba b'shem Adonai," (blessed be the one who comes in the name of the Lord) to Yeshua as their Lord and King, He will not return to usher any of us into eternal life in the world to come. Therefore, wherever we go, in every nation God sends us to all over the world, we seek out, find, and reach out to the Jewish people living there. We share with them the way of salvation through faith in Yeshua their Messiah and encourage them to return home to the land of Israel, as promised to their ancestors. We create and distribute various resources to synagogues, rabbis, and Jewish individuals so that even if they reject the message in person or publically, they can study in private and come to know the truth. We also raise awareness and train the local Church about the Jewishness of Jesus, God's love for His people, and His redemptive plan for their salvation. Out of gratitude for our salvation and earnest desire to see all Jewish people come to faith in Yeshua, we do our best to remove every unnecessary hindrance to their faith in Yeshua. This includes aligning ourselves to observe the Biblical Calendar and God's appointed times and feasts rather than the Church's substitutions and the traditions of men which have caused much confusion through their departure from Biblical truth. Romans 9-11: Cut Off & Ingrafted: Jews & Gentiles Are ONE in Messiah To get a free printout of this graphic, click here . To purchase a 5x7 Card of this graphic, click here . Aside from a faithful remnant including the earliest followers of Yeshua, the Jewish people were cut off because of their failture to believe Yeshua as their Messiah. Gen tiles who believe in Messiah have been ingrafted into Israel through faith in the Son of God - the God of Israel, the only Creator of Heaven and Earth. Jewish people are also ingrafted back into the Israel of God when they turn and believe that Yeshua is their Messiah. Now, there is neither Jew nor Gentile but we are all one - a new humanity - through faith in Yeshua. This Year's Biblical Calendar - Significant Dates & Events More on the Biblical Calendar Useful Resources & Free Downloads Outreach Resources Through Our Bookstore 快速瀏覽 DOWNLOAD: First to the Jew E-Bundle 價格 $12.00 快速瀏覽 BUNDLE: First to the Jew 價格 $27.00 快速瀏覽 BUNDLE Jewish Outreach 價格 $73.00 快速瀏覽 Restoring the Kingdom to Israel, 5 Pack 價格 $10.00 快速瀏覽 Restoring the Kingdom to Israel Booklet 價格 $2.50 快速瀏覽 Restoring the Kingdom to Israel, E-Book 價格 $0.00 快速瀏覽 猶太人的兩次末世大戰 價格 $9.00 快速瀏覽 猶太人民的第二次末日戰爭-電子書 價格 $5.00 快速瀏覽 Prayer Guide: For Israel & The Jewish People & God Loves the Jewish People 價格 $2.00 快速瀏覽 Prayer Guide: God Loves the Jewish People PDF 價格 $0.00 快速瀏覽 Prayer Guide: God Loves the Jewish People 價格 $0.00 快速瀏覽 Prayer Guide: For Israel & the Jewish People PDF 價格 $0.00 快速瀏覽 Ingrafted Card: Jew & Gentile in Messiah 價格 $2.00 快速瀏覽 Ingrafted: Jew & Gentile in Messiah: PDF 價格 $0.00 快速瀏覽 Messiah's Healing, 5 Pack 價格 $10.00 快速瀏覽 Messiah's Healing Booklet 價格 $2.50 快速瀏覽 Messiah's Healing, EBook 價格 $0.00 Partner With Us in This Work We welcome you to partner with us in our outreach to the Jewish people. Their acceptance and full inclusion in Messiah is great riches and life from the dead! (Romans 11:12-15) Contribute to Our Jewish Outreach

  • Biblical Calendar | Manifest Intl

    Acerca de Biblical Calendar These are the appointed times of the LORD, holy convocations which you shall proclaim at the times appointed for them. -Leviticus 23:4 Why the Biblical Calendar? More on Biblical Feasts Observe the Biblical Calendar with Us! Manifest International affiliates follow the Biblical Calendar through the course of the year as a tool for meditating on significant events of Scripture in any given month and what God may be revealing for our daily lives today. If you want to join us, subscribe and you will receive an email on the first day of each Biblical month. Subscribe Significant Dates This Year 2025-2026 Why Observe the Biblical Calendar? Jesus instructed His disciples to always be alert and discerning of the times. Walking with God through His calendar each year is one way of doing this. Here are some reasons why we believe it is important. 1. Jesus is coming back . When Jesus returns, it will be according to the Biblical calendar, not according to the calendar of this world or any man-made dates of religious observances for significant events or holidays. God is not a God of coincidence but of precision. God's appointed times are everlasting ordinances for all generations. He established His calendar and reveals Himself to us through it. Changing the times is a deliberate scheme of those opposed to God. (Consider Daniel 7:25.) Moreover, Jesus rebuked those who did not have discernment of their times. (See Luke 12:54-56.) Therefore, we seek to stay in step with God and His times through Biblical understanding. For more on the calendar, click here . 2. Biblical Feasts are a shadow of Messiah . Jesus observed the feasts of the Lord out of His own perfect obedience to the Law of God. He also looked forward to the ultimate fulfillment of the feasts through His life, death, resurrection, and return to usher in the age to come. Each one of the Biblical Feasts reveals certain aspects of who Jesus is, what He accomplished for us, and what will come to pass upon His return. These feasts were originally designed by God to keep Israel focused on Him, to help them remember all He has done for them, and to train them in the ways of true and proper worship. They can do the same for us if we take note of them in our lives today. 3. Alignment with God's times and celebrations. Not Pagan. Not Law. Not Traditions of Men . It is unfortunate that through the centuries, the dates and customs of Christian holidays have badly strayed and been cut off from their Biblical foundation. This has resulted in modern observances of "Christian" holidays that are more rooted in pagan festivals than Biblical truth. At the same time, the Hebrew calendar observed by Jewish people has also departed from Biblical accuracy towards rabbinic teaching and Jewish tradition. Therefore, instead of paganism, legalism, or tradition, we look to the Word of God for what He reveals through Scripture about His appointed times and their Biblical meaning and significance. Under the New Covenant, we are not subject to the legal requirements for observing the Feasts of the Lord or the Biblical months. As such, followers of Jesus today can observe these Biblical Feasts or not however the Lord leads them. (See Galatians 4:10; Colossians 2:16.) WhyCalendar More Background Information on the Calendar And God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years... - Genesis 1:14 God has a calendar. From the beginning in the Book of Genesis, He put the sun, moon, and stars in place to mark His appointed times for the seasons, days, and years. God knows the end from the beginning and His calendar marks time according to His eternal plan. Coinciding events of history are not a coincidence. Therefore, we consider the events that took place in the Bible in each month of the year to consider what God may be asking us to reflect on in our daily lives as we walk with Him. The calendar used in the world today is known as the “Gregorian Calendar,” named after Pope Gregory XIII in the 1500’s. The roots of Gregory’s calendar are from ancient Rome, who adopted theirs from Greece, who mimicked the ancient Egyptian solar calendar in worship of the god of the sun. Moreover, the days of the week and months of this calendar are named after pagan gods. In contrast, the calendar for God’s people is a lunar calendar. Therefore: Days begin in the evening when the sun goes down, as it is stated in Genesis as God created the world in six days, “there was evening and morning, the -- day.” Days of the week are numbered, except for the Sabbath which is the seventh day, God’s appointed day of rest. Months are observed in tandem with the cycle of the new moon. Months were mostly numbered until the days of Israel’s exile in Babylon. After the people returned from exile, the months had names rather than numbers, and some of the names are Babylonian in origin. Instead of a 365-day year, the Biblical calendar is more like a 19-year cycle with leap years in year 0, 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, and 17. Instead of a straight line, picture it like a helix rotating through cycles of history and resetting every 19 years. Significantly, God’s calendar for His people started with redemption. In no uncertain terms, He told them that this was the beginning of the year for them. (See Exodus 12:2.) Within two weeks from the first of the year, God’s people were delivered from 400 years of slavery. They miraculously walked through the parted waters of the Red Sea and were birthed as a nation. Every year, Passover is celebrated to remember this marvelous event. It is not a coincidence that Jesus Christ was crucified on the exact anniversary of the day of Passover over 1,000 years later. Through the coinciding time on the calendar, God was revealing a message of His redemption through Jesus Christ, His Son. He is our eternal Passover Lamb who delivers us from bondage to sin and death. There are many additional examples of this throughout the year. In the Scriptures, God commands His people to observe the months/new moons and His appointed times. (Numbers 10:10, 28:11; Leviticus 23.) These are referred to as the Feasts of the Lord and we will be celebrating some of them for eternity in the world to come. Even though through faith in Jesus Christ we are no longer under the Law, if God considers a time to be special, holy, or appointed, it is wise for us to take note of it and be in step with Him. Therefore, our aim is simply to show reverence to the only God who created the Universe and who is the author of time. Note: We are not suggesting that we abandon the Gregorian calendar because that is simply impractical for living in this world. Note: We are not promoting the Rabbinic myths associated with the Hebrew months because unfortunately, these myths do not accurately represent the historical events of Scripture.

  • Feasts | Manifest Intl

    Acerca de Feasts of the Lord These are the appointed feasts of the LORD that you shall proclaim as holy convocations; they are my appointed feasts. -Leviticus 23:2 Spring Feasts Passover to Pentecost Fall Feasts Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles Other Feasts Dedication & Celebration Observe the Biblical Calendar with Us! Manifest International affiliates follow the Biblical Calendar through the course of the year as a tool for meditating on significant events of Scripture in any given month and what God may be revealing for our daily lives today. If you want to join us, subscribe and you will receive an email on the first day of each Biblical month. Subscribe

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