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Contribute to Our Work

God loves a cheerful giver.  - 2 Corinthians 9:7

We operate entirely by faith for the glory of God. We are completely dependent on God moving in the hearts of generous people like you to contribute to our work. We welcome you to share in our service for God's Kingdom through your financial support of Manifest International, LLC. Together, we live to Manifest our King and make disciples of all nations!


To Our Work

We are so thankful for the generosity of those who contribute to what God is doing through our work for His Kingdom. A one-time or monthly gift of any amount helps us to reach more people in more places with the truth of the Gospel. We know God will bless you for blessing us, both now and in eternity.

New! Non-Profit
Manifest Mission

God has expanded our outreach! To facilitate this, a new non-profit was formed: Manifest Mission. To make a tax-deductible donation to Manifest Mission, click below.

Questions? Contact:


Scroll down to learn more about our Approach to Finances.

Apps for Easy 

Note: Giving Profiles are ManifestINTL

Deposits, Wires & Checks by Mail

Make Check Payable to: Manifest International, LLC

Mail Check to: 729 9th Ave, Suite 128, Huntington, WV 25701



Manifest International,LLC不是非營利組織,因此,您的捐款不可抵稅。我們相信主帶領我們這樣做是為了給我們更大的自由來服從他的指導。這使我們能夠在保持言論自由和私有企業權利的同時進行擴展,轉移和發展。這也賦予了我們分攤和管理我們財務的權利,但是他領導著我們。我們很樂意向凱撒支付什麼是凱撒的,並認為這是一筆微不足道的費用,因為它有忠於上帝的特權。同樣,我們相信上帝會祝福您,因為祝福我們遠遠超出了慈善扣除的範圍。 (1)



(1)見腓立比書4:19; 3約翰福音1:8; (2)見使徒行傳4:32;出埃及記35; 1編年史29

Approach to Finances
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